Sticks and Stones

Saturday, October 9, 2010 - Monday, October 11, 2010 — 11:00am – 3:00pm
1 Street & 10 Avenue SE

Sticks and Stones is a long-duration public intervention performance that makes use of knitting and the ancient Chinese strategy game, Go. The project explores the subculture of the reclamation of craft, strategy games and public gaming and the public’s relationship to these things. Go is played on a grid and knitting – as a series of rows and stitches — is an excellent medium for representing this grid. The long performance will see two competitors engage in the public knitting of a game of Go, resulting in the gradual creation of roughly 300 swatches, representing the state of the board at each move throughout the game. As the swatches accumulate, they will be gathered and presented, documenting the process of the performance.

Dory Kornfeld is a knitter, quilter and doctoral student in Urban Planning at Columbia University in the City of New York. She is interested in the way things fit together, which applies to stitches as well as urban systems. She lives in Brooklyn.

David McCallum works with improvised performance, DIY electronics and locative media and curiosity. He recently stepped down as the editor of Musicworks Magazine and now spends his time making things for himself and others. His most recent work is the Neighbourhoodie, an iPhone-based video game system housed in a hoodie, created in collaboration at the Canadian Film Centre.

Sticks and Stones


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